Lab 3: Geovisualization#


This lab will provide an opportunity to practice choropleth mapping and point pattern analysis. Please start by opening this Google Colab notebook and copying it to your Google Drive.


Please submit your lab by modifying the code in the Lab 3 Google Colab template notebook


Please make sure to submit the lab by October 17/18, 2022, depending on your section.

Lab Instructions#


Use the isin() function to subset your data.

my_region = ['California', 'Washington', 'Oregon']

my_states = df.loc[df['state_name'].isin(my_region)]


Use the datetime indexing. See more info here

df = df.set_index('dt') 

new_df = df.loc['2014-01-01':'2015-01-01']

  1. Find your area of interest: for last names starting with A-G (West), H-M (Midwest), N-S (Northeast), T-Z (South). Filter temperature data to include only the area of your interest. See this link for a list of state names.

  2. What is the average temperature in the area of your choice. (Use .mean() function).

  3. Group your data by year and plot average temperature in your assigned region as a time-series plot.

  4. Group your data by ‘state’ and caclulate average temperature for each state. Create a Figure with two subfigures. Add a choropleth map for each subfigure plotting average temperature per state using two different types of classification (choose any).

  5. Create two dataframes: weather_1980_2000 and weather_2000_2020 by filtering your data on year of observation.

  6. Group two newly created datasets by ‘state’ and caclulate average temperature for each state. Create a Figure with two subfires. Add a choropleth map generated from weather_1980_2000 and quantile classification to the left subfigure. Add a choropleth map generated from weather_2000_2020 and quantile classification to the right subfigure.

  7. Create a Figure with two subfires. Add a choropleth map generated from weather_1980_2000 and mean standard deviation classification to the left subfigure. Add a choropleth map generated from weather_2000_2020 and mean standard deviation classification to the right subfigure.

  8. Comment on every plot using markdown to format your asnwer.

  9. Submit to GauchoSpace as an .ipynb notebook.